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We are all the same underneath

I facilitate a conversation circle a couple of times a month in the evenings at our local community centre. The aim of the circle is to provide a stress-free and casual environment for people to practice speaking English and learning from each other. The participants have varied backgrounds and are either new…

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The Power of our Intentions

I am a fervent believer in manifestation. Made increasingly popular throughout the early 2000’s through mainstream media and inspirational books like The Secret, manifestation and the concept of the Law of Attraction has actually been a “thing” since the early 19th century and the New Thought movement. It’s now a mainstream concept,…

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Self Care

There is so much talk and advice nowadays around the concept of self care. The importance and necessity of taking time to ensure we are supported cannot be overstated, but often, the idea of self care or self love can conjure ideas and perceptions of indulgence or extravagance. Often we see self…

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Reigniting our Passions

For me, the Fall has always been the start to something. While January 1st of each new year is often flooded with thoughts of new intentions and redirections, I feel more akin to the fall months for the promise and opportunities that await. Perhaps it’s because the fall is my favourite time…

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The Science of Happiness

Most of us spend most of our time trying to cultivate a life that is happy. Often it feels elusive to us; what is happiness and how do we find it, nurture it and maintain it? What happiness means to one can be in stark contrast to what happiness means to another,…

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The Gift of Remembering

Memories are the fabric that weaves the experiences of our lives into our consciousness. We can refer to them to bring back a feeling or a sensation that fills us with joy and happiness. We can laugh and reminisce with friends and family and feel wrapped in a warm glow in the…

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Looking to the Future

Well, we’ve said goodbye to another year and welcomed a new one. 2022 flew by in a blur for me, and although I am so proud of finally publishing my book this past year and it will be a year that I remember specifically because of that, I am glad to leave…

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Hi, and thanks for stopping by

Hi and thank you for taking the time to visit and for your interest in my book. I am so grateful to be able to share my journey with you in the hope that within the pages you may find a message that resonates or the inspiration you were looking for. Maybe…

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